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3. The Selfish Gene

Figure 5. Brood parasitism in action: Diederik Cuckoos are known to exploit a diverse range of host species, including weavers, bishopbirds, sparrows, and buntings, by laying their eggs in the nests of these host birds and tricking them into raising the cuckoo chicks as their own. (Image Source: independent.co.uk)

Start Date:

January 17, 2023

Finish Date:

February 26, 2023

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As a non-native English speaker, I recently had the pleasure of reading Steven Pinker’s book, "The Sense of Style," and I must say, it was a valuable learning experience. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is passionate about writing, regardless of their level of expertise.

Figure 6. The Selfish Gene (Image Source: Goodreads)

While reading this book, I couldn’t help but notice how the author’s tone gently guides the reader towards acknowledging certain forms of style as incorrect before they form an independent opinion. Despite this priming effect, Pinker takes great care to explain the reasons behind the unacceptability of such forms, which I found enlightening.

One aspect of the book that I found particularly amusing was the author’s tendency to critique purists while simultaneously displaying purist tendencies himself. This irony added a lightheartedness to the book that I appreciated.

Overall, "The Sense of Style" is an excellent resource for writers of all skill levels. It provides insightful and practical advice on how to improve one’s writing style, and it is written in an engaging and approachable manner. I will undoubtedly refer back to this book frequently as I continue to hone my writing skills.

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The title of this review should be "The Sense of Style"


I see. Why do you think so?


The review talks about the book, "The Sense of Style" but the title is "The Selfish Gene".

Moreover, on the book reviews page, "The Selfish Gene" is repeated.

Dr. Sam

Thank you. This will be fixed soon.