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5. Robot Simulation Animation and Visualization

Understanding how to animate and visualize robot arm movement is crucial for developing and debugging robotic applications. In this article, we will discuss the process of creating animations using the FuncAnimation class from the matplotlib library, specifically focusing on visualizing a 2R robot arm. We will also explain how the update function is used to update the robot arm’s joint angles and the box’s position for each frame of the animation. Please refer to the 2R pick-and-place robot simulation on GitHub.

5.1. Robot Simulation vs. Animation

Robot simulation and animation are closely related concepts in the field of robotics, as both involve the representation and visualization of a robot’s movements and behavior. However, there are key differences between the two, with simulation focusing on the computational aspects of a robot’s operation, and animation emphasizing the visual representation of the robot’s motion.

  • Robot simulation is a computational process that involves modeling the robot’s behavior, including its kinematics, dynamics, and control algorithms. Simulation allows engineers and researchers to test and evaluate the performance of a robotic system in a virtual environment before deploying it in the real world. This can help identify potential issues, optimize the robot’s design, and refine control algorithms. Robot simulation can include:

  • Kinematic and dynamic analysis of the robot’s motion.

  • Collision detection and avoidance.

  • Path planning and motion control algorithms.

  • Sensor and actuator modeling.

  • Real-time or faster-than-real-time simulation of the robot’s operation.

  • Animation, on the other hand, is the process of creating a visual representation of the robot’s motion by displaying a sequence of images or frames. Animation can help visualize the robot’s movement, making it easier to understand the robot’s operation and identify potential issues. Animation in robotics can include:

  • Displaying the robot’s configuration and joint angles at different points in time.

  • Visualizing the robot’s end-effector trajectory in the workspace.

  • Representing the robot’s interaction with its environment or other objects.

  • Creating visually appealing presentations or demonstrations of the robot’s capabilities.

While robot simulation and animation are distinct concepts, they can be complementary in many applications. For example, a robot simulation can generate the necessary data (e.g., joint angles, end-effector positions, etc.) that can then be used to create an animation of the robot’s movement. By combining simulation and animation, engineers and researchers can gain a deeper understanding of a robot’s operation, optimize its performance, and effectively communicate its capabilities to others.

5.2. FuncAnimation Class

The FuncAnimation class from the matplotlib.animation module provides a straightforward way to create animations using matplotlib library. It takes the following arguments:

  • fig: The matplotlib figure object that will be used to draw the animation.

  • func: The function responsible for updating the figure, which will be called at each frame of the animation.

  • frames: The number of frames in the animation or a generator function that produces frame data.

  • init_func: An optional function to set up the initial state of the animation.

  • interval: The time interval between frames, in milliseconds.

  • blit: A boolean indicating whether to use blitting for faster rendering (default is False).

5.3. Creating the Robot Arm Animation

To create the robot arm animation, we will use the FuncAnimation class along with the update function. The update function will be responsible for updating the robot arm’s joint angles and the box’s position for each frame of the animation. Here’s a high-level overview of the process:

  • Create a matplotlib figure and set the axis limits.

  • Define the init function to set up the initial state of the animation.

  • Define the update function to update the robot arm’s joint angles and the box’s position for each frame.

  • Create a FuncAnimation object by passing the figure, update function, and other relevant arguments.

  • Display the animation using the plt.show() function.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
# ... (Robot arm model and kinematics functions)

def init():
# Set up the initial state of the animation

def update(frame):
# Update the robot arm's joint angles and the box's position for each frame

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlim(-3, 3)
ax.set_ylim(-3, 3)

ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100), init_func=init, interval=50, blit=False)

5.4. The Update Function

The update function is the core of the animation process, as it determines how the robot arm’s joint angles and the box’s position change over time. In the context of our 2R robot arm example, the update function would typically perform the following tasks:

  • Update the joint angles based on the current frame.

  • Compute the new end-effector position using forward kinematics.

  • Update the position and orientation of each link in the robot arm.

  • Update the box’s position.

  • Redraw the robot arm and box on the figure.

By understanding the FuncAnimation class and the update function, students can effectively visualize and analyze the movement of a robot arm. This will greatly aid in the development and testing of robotic applications, allowing for more accurate and efficient control of robotic systems.

5.5. Blender

In the context of Animation and Visualization, Blender is a powerful and widely-used open-source 3D computer graphics software that can be employed to create visually stunning animations of robotic manipulators. Blender offers a comprehensive suite of tools for 3D modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing, and motion tracking, among other features.

Blender can be used to create high-quality animations of robot arm movements with realistic lighting, materials, and textures. By using Blender, you can take the visualization of robot arm movements to the next level, creating more immersive and informative representations of the robot’s motion in three-dimensional space.

To integrate Blender with the robot arm visualization process, you can:

  • Model the robot arm in Blender using its 3D modeling tools, or import an existing model of the robot from another CAD software.

  • Rig the robot arm model by creating an armature (a hierarchical set of bones) that will control the movements of the robot arm’s links.

  • Define the joint constraints and limits to ensure that the robot arm moves realistically within its physical constraints.

  • Create keyframe animations of the robot arm’s movements, either by manually animating the armature or by using Blender’s Python API to automatically generate keyframes based on the joint angles computed by the inverse kinematics algorithm.

  • Render the animation to produce a video or a series of images that showcase the robot arm’s movement in a visually appealing and informative manner.

Blender can be a valuable addition to the topic of Animation and Visualization, as it provides advanced tools for creating more sophisticated and visually appealing animations of robot arm movements. By using Blender, one can gain a deeper understanding of the robot arm’s motion in 3D space and develop the skills necessary for creating professional-quality animations and visualizations in the field of robotics.

5.6. Exercise


Example 1

In the context of creating an animation for a robot arm using the matplotlib library and the FuncAnimation class, explain how the blit argument affects the rendering process. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using blitting in terms of rendering performance and compatibility.


The blit argument in the FuncAnimation class of the matplotlib library is a boolean flag that determines whether to use blitting for faster rendering. When blitting is enabled (blit=True), only the parts of the figure that have changed are redrawn at each frame, instead of redrawing the entire figure. This can significantly improve rendering performance, especially for complex animations with many elements.

However, blitting has some disadvantages. First, it is not universally supported by all backends, which means that enabling blitting may cause compatibility issues on some systems or with some rendering backends. Second, if the animation includes elements that change their appearance or visibility frequently, blitting may not provide significant performance improvements, as most of the figure would need to be redrawn anyway.


Example 2

Suppose you are working on an application that controls a robot arm and want to visualize the end-effector’s trajectory during the simulation. Modify the update function in the provided code snippet to include the visualization of the end-effector’s path as it moves through the workspace.


To visualize the end-effector’s trajectory during the simulation, you can modify the update function to include a line object that represents the path of the end-effector. First, create the line object in the init function, and then update its data points in the update function. Here’s an example of how to do this:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation

# ... (Robot arm model and kinematics functions)

def init():
    # Set up the initial state of the animation
    global trajectory_line
    trajectory_line, = ax.plot([], [], 'r-')
    return (trajectory_line,)

def update(frame):
    # Update the robot arm's joint angles and the box's position for each frame
    global trajectory_line
    # ... (Compute new end-effector position)
    x_data, y_data = trajectory_line.get_data()
    trajectory_line.set_data(x_data, y_data)
    return (trajectory_line,)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlim(-3, 3)
ax.set_ylim(-3, 3)

ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100), init_func=init, interval=50, blit=True)


This modification will add a red line ('r-') to the animation, showing the end-effector’s trajectory as it moves through the workspace.


Example 3

Consider a scenario where you have to create an animation that not only shows the movement of the robot arm but also the change in its joint angles over time. Describe how you would modify the update function to display the current joint angles as text annotations next to the robot arm’s joints.


To display the current joint angles as text annotations next to the robot arm’s joints, you can modify the update function to include Text objects that represent the joint angle values. First, create the Text objects in the init function, and then update their positions and content in the update function. Here’s an example of how to do this:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation

# ... (Robot arm model and kinematics functions)

def init():
    # Set up the initial state of the animation
    global joint1_angle_text, joint2_angle_text
    joint1_angle_text = ax.text(0, 0, '', fontsize=12, color='blue')
    joint2_angle_text = ax.text(0, 0, '', fontsize=12, color='blue')
    return (joint1_angle_text, joint2_angle_text,)

def update(frame):
    # Update the robot arm's joint angles and the box's position for each frame
    global joint1_angle_text, joint2_angle_text
    # ... (Compute new joint angles and end-effector position)
    joint1_angle_text.set_position((link1.x1 + link1.x2)/2, (link1.y1 + link1.y2)/2)
    joint1_angle_text.set_text(f"θ1: {theta1:.2f} rad")
    joint2_angle_text.set_position((link2.x1 + link2.x2)/2, (link2.y1 + link2.y2)/2)
    joint2_angle_text.set_text(f"θ2: {theta2:.2f} rad")
    return (joint1_angle_text, joint2_angle_text,)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlim(-3, 3)
ax.set_ylim(-3, 3)

ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100), init_func=init, interval=50, blit=True)


This modification will add text annotations next to the robot arm’s joints, showing the current joint angles in radians. The text annotations will update their positions and content as the robot arm moves during the animation.

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Comments (2)

Amos Munene

Hey there. The sample values used in Example one bring about the following error in the function when executed:

" imeWarning: invalid value encountered in arccos "

I suggest using the following values instead L1 = 2 , L2 = 1 , x=2 , y = 1


I'd really like if you would explain to me Inverse Kinematics for a six-DoF robot, because All the tutorials and resources are not for such robots.